Below you can find the services we offer for local and abroad customers. If you are interested in any of the service we provide, contact us below for more deatails.
On or Off Site
For on-site consultation, we come out and visit with farmers, gardeners and growers to assist with their needs. Whether it be on-site for garden or food forest planning and development in infrastructure and structural guidance.
- Off-site consultations typically happen over zoom where we can sit and chat about the desired information your wishing to know.
Off-site zoom consultations are $30.00 /hr
On-site consultations are $50/hr
* If on or off site consultations are to help in aiding in the design of your native plant landscape or food forest, discount rates will be applied, if it is a total package deal.
Fill out the contact form below to get started.
Native Plant
Garden Design
Choose from one of the pre-made designs or ask how we can design a custom landscape for your property.
Native Plant
Garden Kits
These are premade kits and most can be easily installed over a weekend. Some plants may not be available at time of purchase but there are plenty of substitutions.
Many of the herbaceous plants and grasses come in plug form of two size. they typical for will be 3" deep. If the design includes a a tree/s or shrub/s, those will come in a Trade 1.